Wednesday, January 19, 2011


If you look to the right of the front page, there are two "favorites".  My good friend, Alan, has a computer company and helped me get this started.  You will learn that I am a technophobe, a "Ludite", if you will.  Alan, has been to my house too many times to admit, to teach me how to use e-mail, facebook, google, well, really anything having to do with this thing that I want to throw against the wall.  I'm on a MacBook, she's small, so trust me, it would hurt her.  He keeps telling me that the more I use her, the better I'll get.  He has even gone so far as to give me homework.  Things like, download your latest pictures, delete the bogus ones and save the good ones to a cd.  I'm like, you lost me at download.  Anyway, he has been a patient teacher, even when my twins are asking for milk, or needing to go potty, or climbing into his lap.  I highly recommend his company.

You may wonder why I refer to my Mac as a girl.  I have too many men in my life, so any think pink, or frilly that I can cling to, I will.  Her name is Sophie.  I believe it means "wisdom" in some language that I learned and forgot.  I shouldn't say I have too many men in my life.  I have just the right amount, my boys, my Dad, my Step-Dad, my boyfriend, and all the great friends I have in the real and virtual world.

The other "favorite" is a blog that my sister created for me in 2005 when I was pregnant.  I had never even heard of a "blog".  I had just moved to Texas to be close to her and the rest of my family.  She's married with 3 boys and convinced me it was the best thing to do, being single.  She calls me Frankie in some of her captions.  I should explain.  It's a nickname that was given to me a long time ago.  When I moved to Taos, New Mexico, I would introduce myself that way, so a lot of people still know me as just that.  Ok, here's the story, while I'm thinking about first friend in LA was a man named Roger, one of the costume designers on a tv show I was working on called "Wings".  He was over at my house one night and we were ordering delivery from Jerry's Deli.  I was on the phone and kept saying, "No, it's Farrah, F as in Frank...Forke, F as in Frank".  It cracked him up, so he just started calling me Frankie, it's easier to say than Farrah.  It just stuck.

Back to my super cool big sister.  She did a great job on the blog, but moved to Saudi Arabia shortly after the twins were born and couldn't keep updating it.  I love that I can share those pictures and memories with you all.  It was a magical time.  Thank you Paige.


  1. What a great story, You are a cool cucumber

  2. You...are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, other than my Kiwis, and my Dad, and my Mom, and my sister, Paige, and her family, Dylan and Ethan and Luke and Scott, and my Step Dad, Talmage, and his parents, and my little sisters, Jen and Mag, and their kids Ellie and Charlie and Brodie and my Me Maw and Mimi, and, shall I go on...I would like to thank The Academy... Come home soon
