Saturday, June 22, 2013

Closing Down the House.  ( It's the parental version of that song by The Talking Heads, "Burning Down The House")   That's what I call it.  Closing this down....  I gather shoes and socks and toys, look for anything that might be a hazard to step on, Legos... I then, make sure that we have iced water next to our beds.  All of us, including my dog, and kibble for her.  I give the fountain fish some food, just in case Wit didn't do his chore.  He's only 7.  Next, all the lights and computers are off.  It's peaceful.  I go into The Kiwis' room one more time. Kiss them on the forehead and whisper, "Mommy loves you".  It's my way of subliminal advertising.  If I whisper it enough, maybe they will believe it.  My Dad did it to me and my sister, and we are believers.  We know he loves us so.

Then, I do this, I go to what I have DVR'rd.  I like to fall asleep to "30 Rock".  It puts a smile on my face.

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